Founded in 1942, Supreme is an acknowledged leader of India's plastics industry. Handling volumes of over 3,20,000 tonnes of polymers annually effectively makes the country's largest plastics processors.
Not surprisingly, we also offer the widest and most comprehensive range of plastic products in India.
we also offer the widest and most comprehensive range of plastic products in India. Our 25 advanced plants are powered by technology from world leaders, and complement our extensive facilities for R & D and new product development. In fact, Supreme is credited with pioneering several products in India. These include Cross- Laminated Films, HMHD Films, Multilayer Films, SWR Piping Systems and more.
Supreme Industries Limited is India's leading plastic processing company with seven business divisions. The company has forayed into different types of plastic processing in Injection Moulding, Rotational Moulding (ROTO), Extrusion, Compression Moulding, Blow Moulding etc.
Supreme Industries limited offers wide range of plastic products with a variety of applications in Moulded Furniture, Storage & Material Handling Products, XF Films & Products, Performance Films, Industrial Moulded Products, Protective Packaging Products, Composite Plastic Products, Plastic Piping System & Petrochemicals.
2018-19 will see The Supreme Group turnover cross a projected Rs.125 billion (USD 2billion).
Ditubuhkan pada tahun 1942, Yang Maha Esa adalah pemimpin yang diiktiraf industri plastik India. Pengendalian jilid lebih 3,20,000 tan polimer setiap tahun berkesan membuat pemproses plastik terbesar di negara ini.
Tidak menghairankan, kami juga menawarkan pelbagai jenis dan paling menyeluruh produk plastik di India.
kami juga menawarkan pelbagai jenis dan paling menyeluruh produk plastik di India. 25 tumbuhan canggih kami dikuasai oleh teknologi dari pemimpin dunia, dan melengkapkan kemudahan kami yang luas untuk R & D dan pembangunan produk baru. Malah, Supreme dikreditkan dengan beberapa produk perintis di India. Ini termasuk Silang Laminated Filem, HMHD Films, multilayer Films, SWR Piping Systems dan banyak lagi.
Supreme Industries Limited merupakan syarikat pemprosesan plastik terkemuka di India dengan tujuh bahagian perniagaan. Syarikat itu telah forayed ke dalam pelbagai jenis pemprosesan plastik dalam Injection Moulding, putaran Moulding (ROTO), penyemperitan, Mampatan Moulding, Blow Moulding dan lain-lain
Industries Agung terhad menawarkan pelbagai produk plastik dengan pelbagai aplikasi dalam Moulded perabot, Storage & Pengendalian bahan Products, XF Filem & Products, Prestasi Filem, Industrial Moulded Products, Pembungkusan Produk Perlindungan, Komposit Plastik, Sistem & Petrokimia plastik Piping.
2018-19 akan dapat melihat Perolehan Kumpulan Agung menyeberangi unjuran Rs.125 bilion (USD 2billion).